The GD Studio chat modding guidelines. ------------- Try to avoid:| ------------- - setting up huge times on /slow. (120+ seconds) Generally if possible try to avoid using it. - banning people. Give them a warning followed by a timeout first, if they keep at it a ban. - setting the room in subscribers only. This is a big NO NO, only if we request it (usually for sub give-aways etc). - banning people with strong opinions (even about the studio/us) -------------------- When to ban/timeout:| -------------------- - generally as you know we're ok with that chat room going often into periods of full retard mode. Twitch chat is one of the darkest places on the internet when it comes to stupidity and ignorance so instead of having to ban 60% of its users, we try to integrate them witht the mentally more apt viewers in a friendly manner. - anything racist, nazi related, porn, generally highly offensive stuff. - continuous spamming. Try a warn 1st, if they keep doing it, timeout and if they still do it, ban. - bs links like dshini and the likes (i can set a ban filter on those actually in the settings). --------------- Chat commands: | --------------- /slow x (x = amount in seconds - sets a time limit for lines viewers can write in chat) /slowoff (removes any slow setting) /subscribers (sets the chat room in subscriber only mode) /subscribersoff (makes the chat room public again) /timeout nickname /ban nickname /unban nickname (both for ban and timeout) or click their name and do it via the pop-up icons there. -------------- Happy Modding!| --------------